BE AWARE of the following course requirements:
- attend each class meeting, whether synchronous or asynchronous, and take notes
- actively read 20+ pages before each class meeting (for ca. 1.5 hr), using the primary source active worksheet)
- download and install GoogleEarth Pro (desktop version) for map projects
- participate in The Game, earning eXperience points each week (see Scorecard);
the following samples may appear on your weekly checklis:
- homework or in-class assignments (e.g. reading notes, forum, minute essays)
- quotes (quiz based upon primary source readings)
- maps (quiz or project)
- writing assignment component (e.g. rough draft, peer edit, or final draft)
- experiential learning projects
- scavenger hunt / DC-pts
unit contents vary, but each week should see either a quote or a map quiz, and a project
- short writing assignments (ca.2-3 pages each), conforming to set essay guidelines
- 50Xp – active reading
fill out 10 of 13 worksheets
- 50Xp – discussion
submit on 10 of 13 topics
- 50Xp± – quote quiz
best 5 of 6
- 50Xp± – map quiz
best 5 of 6
- 400Xp± – three essays
1st 500 words • 100Xp
2nd 750 words • 135Xp
3rd 1000 words • 165Xp
- 100Xp – (virtual) DC points
scavenger hunt
- 200Xp± – digital humanities
experiential learning projects
best 10 of 12
- 100Xp – final exam
± adjusted for improvement
TOTAL 1000Xp