• descent from Romulus (Livy 1.4-6)
• use of trinomina (the "three names"— praenomen, nomen gentilicum, cognomen) to designate membership in a gens; see nomenclature handout
• Latin (Indo-European language family), shared with most members of the Latin League
• triad of Ivppiter Optimvs Maximvs ("best" and "greatest"), Ivno Moneta ("warning"), Minerva
• Ivppiter Latiaris of the Alban Mount and Diana of Aricia (shared sanctuaries of the Latin League)
• Vesta (sacred civic hearth)
• Ivno Regina (Etr. Uni, evocatio from Veii)
• Venvs (Phoen. Aštart, from Eryx)
• Magna Mater (Cybele, from Pessinus)
• priestly colleges led by pontifex maximvs (pontifices, avgvres, epvlones, flamines, XVviri)
civic identity with rights acquired through birth to free parents (possessing convbivm), through manvmittio (by a Roman citizen) or through honorific award (individually or collectively)
marked by:
• enrollment into a Roman tribvs
• taking a nomen gentilicvm
• wearing the toga virilis