3D-ceramics ASOR Punic Project :: 3D <div>  A S O R   P u n i c   P r o j e c t<br>
							</div>Scanning Initiative
  A S O R   P u n i c   P r o j e c t


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location: Rijksmuseum van Oudheden
registry: G 1952/2.1
findspot: Carthage (precinct of Tinnit and Ba'l)
date: 400-200 BCE
measure: d.142, z.208m
material: terra cotta
type: everted-neck
fabric: red (2.5YR 3/6) with pink slip (7.5YR 8/2)
decoration: red slip on rim (1oR 4/4), same in central band; with dark narrow bands above and below (10R 3/2)
contents: n/a

provenance: purchase 1952

G1952/2.1 XRF
G1952/2.1 XRF
preliminary analysis of XRF spectra suggests relatively homogeneous composition, consistent with materials local to Carthage