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location: Rijksmuseum van Oudheden
registry: G 1952/2.7 (drawn: Briese)
findspot: Carthage (precinct of Tinnit and Ba'l)
date: 750-600 BCE (14C: 2460±50 BP)
measure: d.216, z.221m
material: terra cotta
type: monkey-eared
fabric: reddish-yellow (5YR 7/6); pale brown slip (10 YR 8/3)
decoration: burnished; red slip on rim, shoulder, belly, metopes between handles, horizontal lines on handles (10R 5/4); narrow black bands bordering red slip zones ( )
contents: ex-situ, washed; “child, 6-9 years” (Smits); “lamb” and “unknown animal (young dromedary?)“ (Hakbijl); fragments of carbonized wood
provenance: purchase 1952
bibliography: Docter et al. 2002: fig.3
G1952/2.7 XRF
preliminary analysis of XRF spectra suggests relatively homogeneous composition, consistent with materials local to Carthage