BE AWARE of the following course-specific and university-wide policies: - A T T E N D A N C E
- The course requires regular attendance — a significant number of absences from lecture will naturally result in a lower final grade, since most Experience Points (Xp) have a class participation component.
- P R E P A R A T I O N
- You must actively read both ancient primary sources and modern secondary sources (30+ pages) before each class in order to participate in discussion and to write essays, which must conform to essay guidelines available online (see Writing Matters Statement).
- M I S S E D A S S I G N M E N T S & T E S T S
- In rare cases, the Xp from missed work can be recovered by the end of a unit (most can not). In any case, missed work can be taken as “spares“ (see the Scorecard). The instructor at his own discretion might make exceptions in case of emergency (i.e. medical crisis, act of God). Note that students must complete essays, exercises, quizzes, etc. in order to earn enough Xp to pass the class.
- L A T E A S S I G N M E N T S
- Assignments turned in past deadline may still earn partial Xp, at the discretion of the instructor; in any case they can be taken as “spares“ (see the Scorecard).
- A C C O M M O D A T I O N
- Please inform me well ahead of time if you foresee any conflict due to a religious holiday, due to a conflicting class, due to a sport or club activity, etc. and I will make every effort to accommodate you (NB the date of the final exam and final grade deadlines are set by the university and cannot be changed).
- A C C E S S I B I L I T Y
- Please inform me at the beginning of the term in case you require any assistance to make the classroom environment accessible (see ADA Statement).
- S A F E T Y & S E C U R I T Y
- Our class spaces, both on campus and on line, must remain safe places to express diverse opinions, free from physical, verbal, or emotional threat (see Interpersonal Violence Statement). In addition, we must foster your physical, emotional and economic health, including food security. If you find yourself struggling, please contact the dean and please contact me so that we can find the resources to help you succeed.
- A C A D E M I C I N T E G R I T Y
- All class work must be your own; if you demonstrate academic dishonesty or plagiarize, you will receive a 0% for the assignment (and thus will likely fail the course), and you may be reported to the University for further sanctions (see Academic Integrity Statement). In the case of essays, keep your preliminary notes in order to explain the meaning of and sources for everything that you write.
For definition and clarification of “cheating” and “plagiarism,” please refer to definitions provided by CETLA, by the Howard University Library, and found in the Howard University “Code of Conduct,” all of which detail how cheating, plagiarism, and copyright infringement grievously undermine academic integrity. Penalties for such theft of intellectual property range from a “0” for the assignment or exam (which could lead to a “F” in the course) to possible suspension. Please note the instructor reserves the right to check your work using a plagiarism detector (e.g. Safe Assign on Blackboard).
Writing Matters
Writing serves as an essential tool for thinking and communicating in virtually every discipline and profession. Therefore, in this course, I expect you to produce thoughtful and accurate writing — organized, clear, grammatical, and consistent with the conventions of Ancient Studies. If your writing does not meet these standards, I may deduct points or ask you to revise. For assistance with your writing, go to the student section of Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC).
Americans with Disabilities Act
Howard University is committed to providing an educational environment accessible to all students. In accordance with this policy, students who need accommodations because of a disability should contact Special Student Services as soon as possible after admission to the University and/or at the beginning of each semester (+ If you need any accommodation as required by the ADA, please document and discuss your disability with me during the first week of classes.
Interpersonal Violence
Howard University takes sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking and sexual harassment seriously. If a student reveals that he or she needs assistance with any of these issues, all Responsible Employees (e.g. faculty) must share such information with the University Title IX Office. Students can access confidential services through the Interpersonal Violence Prevention Program (IVPP • + or University Counseling Services (+1.202.806.6870).
HOWARD UNIVERSITY RESOURCES Academic Excellence The Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (CETLA) provides tutors to assist in a variety of subjects. You can request a tutor online. The Center also provides academic counselors and student success workshops, designed not only to help you stay in school but to excel. Writing Center For assistance with writing assignments, even without a referral, you can visit The Writing Center (Locke Hall 100). At the Center you will find tutors and software to help you with a variety of problems — from essay organization to subject-verb agreement. Tutors will not proofread or edit, but they will identify problems, teach you how to solve them, and evaluate your progress (you can schedule an appointment on-line). You can also find further resources at CETLA under Writing across the Curriculum (WAC). Technical Support If you encounter technical problems with your email, Blackboard, Bison Web, or some other University-wide technology, contact the help desk ( or For information about computer labs, software distribution, IT security, printing, and other topics, see the service catalogue at Enterprise Technology Services (ETS).