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⇐ PREV Piraeus 3582 Piraeus 3582 - detail CF*8   NEXT ⇒
CF*7  3582 3582 det.   CF*8   KD

image (above): ©2023 Hellenic Ministry of Culture,
  Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Πειραιά
detail (above): Bourogiannis 2021 (fig.2)

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location: Piraeus, Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Πειραιά;
  Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (cast)
registry: ΑΜΠ 3582; RMO CF*8 CAb2
findspot: Attica (Piraeus)
date: first half of 4th BCE
measure: x.410, z.600m
  RMO cast (text only): x.162 y.011, z.044m
material: limestone?
iconography: see notes

inscription: KAI 56, CIS I.120; IG II²8440 (PH10842)
ΕΡΗΝΗ ⋮ ΒΥΖΑΝΤƖΑ  (Ἐρήνη ⋮ Βυζαντία)
Irene, burgess of Byzantium

provenance: discovered 1831
cast donation of Falbe, 1841
Gesenius 1837: nᵒ7 Atheniensis tertia Taf.10
Leemans 1842: CAb2
Schröder 1869: Ath.3
Lidzbarski 1898: 425b 1, Taf. viii.4
Hoftijzer 1963: nᵒ11
Steinhauer 2001: 325 fig.432
Bourogiannis 2021
notes: RMO has cast of Phoenician text only;
original naiskos-type grave marker depicts the deceased seated on high-backed chair to the right, wearing sleeveless khitōn and grasping with her raised right hand a himation, draped over back of her head; her left hand rests in her lap; facing the seated woman, a female figure wearing a khitōn and himation holds the infant child of the deceased