location: Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden
Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East (cast)
registry: RMO H 4 CBa2 (HTC 78b); HMANE 1891.1.4
findspot: Carthage, precinct of Tinnit and Ba‘l
(designated “La Malga“)
date: 300-150 BCE
measure: x.18, y.10, z.70m
material: limestone
iconography: in fronton, flora; band of metopes; hand and sheep; "Sign of Tanit"
inscription: anepigraphus
provenance: J. E. Humbert donation, 1821
bibliography: Humbert 1821: nᵒ4
Leemans 1842: CBa2
Halbertsma 1995: pl.7
Garnand 2022
numeration of Humbert in the RMO archives (H 4) does not correspond to his aquarelle (HTC78a nᵒ3); Humbert read a solitary Greek mu