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location: Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden
Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East (cast)
registry: RMO H 4ᵇⁱˢ CAa5 (HTC 78c);
HMANE 1891.1.8
findspot: Carthage, precinct of Tinnit and Ba‘l
(designated “La Malga“)
date: 300-30 BCE
measure: x.17, y.15m (fragmentary)
material: limestone
iconography: n/a
inscription: CIS I.439 (Humbert 5)
¹[lrbt lt]NT PN BᶜL
²[wlᵓdn lbᶜ]L ḤMN ᵓŠ N³[dr . . bn . . ]LBᶜL
BN ⁴[ . . bn . . ] BN ᵓŠ⁵[mnḥlṣ
To the Mistress, to Tinnit-Visage-of-Ba‘l
and to the Lord, to Ba‘l Ḥammon
(this is the votive) which he vo[wed did . . .
son of . .]LBᶜL son of [ . .
son of . . ] son of ᵓŠ[mnḥlṣ
provenance: J. E. Humbert donation, 1821
bibliography: Humbert 1821: nᵒ5
Leemans 1842: CAa5
Gesenius 1837: nᵒ49 Carthaginensis quarta Taf.17
Schröder 1869: Karth.5
Euting 1883: Carth.4 Taf.4
Hoftijzer 1963: nᵒ4
Halbertsma 1995: pl.6.2
numeration of Humbert in the RMO archives (H 4ᵇⁱˢ) and Hoftijzer (nᵒ4) corresponds neither to Humbert's aquarelle (HTC78a nᵒ5, also Leemans) nor to the CIS (nᵒ5)