Humbert notations—top left:
Bijlage D no.1, 27 augustus 1832
ver[ge]zellende mijne brief, onder den zelve dagtekening, aan den Hoogleraar C.J.C. Reuvens, toegezonde[n]
top right:
Grandeur naturelle
middle right:
Relativement au deux morceaux composant ce bas-relief voyez la note volante A qui accompagne les dessins se rapportant à la note D du 27 aout 1832
bottom right:
Tous les bas reliefs indiquées dans la note D du 27 aout 1832 depuis ce no.1 jusqu'a no.15 inclusivesment sont en travertin calcaire
Hoftijzer notation—bottom left:
is NP12 zie Schrhöder Phönizische Sprache p.66, 269, wsch. in Napels
notation on tracing (by Reuvens?), not shown:
Waarschijnlijk gevonden te Beja onzeker
location: Museo archeologico nazionale di Napoli;
Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (drawing)
registry: MANN (w/o inv. number); RMO HTC 61a
findspot: necropolis, probably Vacca (Béja)
date: 1st BCE – 2nd CE
measure: x.305m, z.475m (top.205m, bot.270m)
dimensions from drawing (grandeur naturelle)
material: limestone (travertin calcaire)
iconography: bull at manger
inscription: NP 12
¹ṬᶜNᵓ ᶜBN Z
LTᶜP(r)²ᶜT BT ᶜWṬH
⁵ᶜWᶜ ŠᶜNT [ . . .
This stone has been erected
for TᶜP(r)ᶜT daughter of Avitus (ᶜWṬHᵓ)
freedwoman of YṢTᶜTᶜN son of MṢLYᶜT
wife of Firmus (or Primus, PRMH)
she lived [ . . . ] years
provenance: J. E. Humbert aquarelle
Gesenius 1837: nᵒ62 Numidica sexta Taf.25
Schröder 1869: Neup.12, Taf.xvii.1
Euting 1883: Neop.12
Fèvrier 1959-1960: 64-66
Hoftijzer 1963: nᵒ14
Jongeling Tunisia Hr. Sidi Khalifat (sic) N1
Amadasi Guzzo 2017
Bron 2022
notes: while Humbert illustrated both (misfit?) pieces together, as did Gesenius, MANN provided to Amadasi Guzzo a photo of the inscription alone, without inventory number or dimensions; Bron has demonstrated how Jongeling erred regarding the findspot, and notation on the tracing of the relief and numeration with HTC61b (NP13) together suggest Vacca (Béja)